Source code for msoffcrypto.method.rc4

import functools
import io
import logging
from hashlib import md5
from struct import pack

from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _makekey(password, salt, block):
    Return a intermediate key.

        >>> password = 'password1'
        >>> salt = b'\xe8w,\x1d\x91\xc5j7\x96Ga\xb2\x80\x182\x17'
        >>> block = 0
        >>> expected = b' \xbf2\xdd\xf5@\x85\x8cQ7D\xaf\x0f$\xe0<'
        >>> _makekey(password, salt, block) == expected
    password = password.encode("UTF-16LE")
    h0 = md5(password).digest()
    truncatedHash = h0[:5]
    intermediateBuffer = (truncatedHash + salt) * 16
    h1 = md5(intermediateBuffer).digest()
    truncatedHash = h1[:5]
    blockbytes = pack("<I", block)
    hfinal = md5(truncatedHash + blockbytes).digest()
    key = hfinal[: 128 // 8]
    return key

[docs]class DocumentRC4: def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def verifypw(password, salt, encryptedVerifier, encryptedVerifierHash): r""" Return True if the given password is valid. >>> password = 'password1' >>> salt = b'\xe8w,\x1d\x91\xc5j7\x96Ga\xb2\x80\x182\x17' >>> encryptedVerifier = b'\xc9\xe9\x97\xd4T\x97=1\x0b\xb1\xbap\x14&\x83~' >>> encryptedVerifierHash = b'\xb1\xde\x17\x8f\x07\xe9\x89\xc4M\xae^L\xf9j\xc4\x07' >>> DocumentRC4.verifypw(password, salt, encryptedVerifier, encryptedVerifierHash) True """ # block = 0 key = _makekey(password, salt, block) cipher = Cipher(algorithms.ARC4(key), mode=None, backend=default_backend()) decryptor = cipher.decryptor() verifier = decryptor.update(encryptedVerifier) verfiferHash = decryptor.update(encryptedVerifierHash) hash = md5(verifier).digest() logging.debug([verfiferHash, hash]) return hash == verfiferHash
[docs] @staticmethod def decrypt(password, salt, ibuf, blocksize=0x200): r""" Return decrypted data. """ obuf = io.BytesIO() block = 0 key = _makekey(password, salt, block) for c, buf in enumerate(iter(functools.partial(, blocksize), b"")): cipher = Cipher(algorithms.ARC4(key), mode=None, backend=default_backend()) decryptor = cipher.decryptor() dec = decryptor.update(buf) + decryptor.finalize() obuf.write(dec) # From wvDecrypt: # at this stage we need to rekey the rc4 algorithm # Dieter Spaar <> figured out # this rekeying, big kudos to him block += 1 key = _makekey(password, salt, block) return obuf